What I learned in nursing school

In the aftermath of graduating from nursing school, I had a little bit of time to think about all that I’d learned. I would like to emphasize “little bit.”

In my prerequisites, I learned a few more parts of the body (or at least the scientific names for them), the intricacies of how our bodies work, and the microorganisms that both help and wreak havoc on our world.

In nursing school itself, I was presented with the basic tasks of nursing care, the most common diseases and the nursing role in treatment and management of that disease or condition.

In finishing nursing school, after everything I’d learned medically, I really could say one thing:

Nursing school taught me how hard it is to see and love people the way Christ sees and loves them.

I can’t look on the multitudes of patients and have compassion on them the way Jesus did. In fact, most of my patients, their social and family situations, and the diseases they have anger me. They are lost in a world that most have created for themselves and think that modern medicine will wave its magic cure-all wand. Most of my patients see a problem and drink their livers to oblivion before middle age or claim horrible pain in order to get heavy-duty pain meds.

The videos healthcare organizations produce that show CLEAN and HAPPY patients in a well-lit, freshly constructed hospital room are lies. I’m sure there are some fantastically happy patients. Mine tend to have odor and hygiene problems, emotional disturbances coupled with medical issues, and placed in rooms that are showing their age.

So, if you’re going into nursing, know from this new nurse and the vast amounts of seasoned veterans – it is a worthy profession. You see “the stuff of life” as Call the Midwife says. And it’s not all brow sponging and baby kissing. It’s hard emotionally and physically. And you learn more about yourself and your limitations than you ever thought possible.


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